OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

Create new named boundary and group

The below code snippet shows creating new named boundary and a group and adding the newly created named boundary to the group.

//Required References
using Bentley.DgnPlatformNET;
using Bentley.MstnPlatformNET;
using Bentley.CifNET.SDK.Edit;
using Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel.SDK;
using Bentley.GeometryNET;
using Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements;

public void CreateNamedBoundariesAndGroup()
            //Get Active Dgn Model reference
            DgnModelRef m_tempNbModel = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModelRef();

            //Create new Consencus Connection for Edit
            ConsensusConnectionEdit con = ConsensusConnectionEdit.GetActive();

            //Get Geometric Model
            GeometricModel gm = con.GetActiveGeometricModel();

            //Check if Geometric Model is not null
            if (gm == null)

            //Start transient Mode

            /*Create DPoints3d Array for new named Shape
            Please note that x and y co-ordinates values are only for illustration purpose and user need to update those as per the requirements */
            DPoint3d[] nbPoints = new DPoint3d[5];
            nbPoints[0] = new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0);
            nbPoints[1] = new DPoint3d(0, 200000, 0);
            nbPoints[2] = new DPoint3d(400000, 200000, 0);
            nbPoints[3] = new DPoint3d(400000, 0, 0);
            nbPoints[4] = nbPoints[0];

            //Create new Shape Element
            ShapeElement nbShape = new ShapeElement(m_tempNbModel.GetDgnModel(), null, nbPoints);

            //Add newly created shape to the Active Dgn Model

            //Create new instance of Named Boundary object
            NamedBoundary namedBoundary = new NamedBoundary();
            namedBoundary.Name = "NewNamedBoundary";
            namedBoundary.Description = "FirstNamedBoundaryUsingSDK";
            namedBoundary.ModelRef = m_tempNbModel;
            namedBoundary.GraphicalElement = nbShape;

            //Save Named Boundary
            if (StatusInt.Success != namedBoundary.Save())

            //Create new Named Boundary Group
            NamedBoundaryGroup nbGroup = Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.NamedBoundaryGroup.CreateNamedBoundaryGroup(m_tempNbModel.GetDgnModel(), "NewNbGroup", "NewNbGroup");

            //Insert Named Boundary in Named Boundary Group

            //Write Named Boundary Group to file
            if (StatusInt.Success != nbGroup.WriteToFile())

            //Persist Transient


This code generated an output like shown in below image.